Parker County Today September 2015 | Page 6

On Reinventing Yourself … Don’t know about you, but I have a bit of a problem with the whole Bruce Jenner thing.  No, I’m not homophobic — but I actually do have a problem with hypocrisy and double standards. I find them almost as terrifying as they are funny. I find it intriguing that scores of people are applauding the emergence of “Caitlyn Jenner.” Many of them are the same people who were so cruelly disparaging about women like Renee Zellweger, Lisa Rinna, Joan Rivers and countless other female celebrities when they had cosmetic surgery. Why is that? It’s baffling how it is pronounced “heroic” for Jenner to have “work” done to look like a 35-yearold supermodel. Yet any older woman who gets work done in an effort to look younger, work that makes her look like a 35-year-old woman — that’s seen as vain.  Is there a double standard here? “No one wants to pay money to see some old lady on the stage,” Rivers once said in an interview. “As long as I keep working, I’m going to keep having cosmetic surgery.” While on the surface Rivers’ cosmetic work may have seemed to be linked to vanity, it was really all about business.   So, OK, Jenner felt that he was a woman locked in the body of a man. Great. Fine. So, if it’s all simply a gender issue, in the transformation, why not switch from being a 65-year-old grandfather to being a 65-year-old grandmother? Instead he looks like a young Renee Russo? Even Renee Russo doesn’t look like a young Renee Russo any longer.  If society can give such a wide berth to this man of a certain age, why not give women of a certain age the same consideration? Why is it “courageous” for a man to have surgery that wil