Parker County Today PCT March 2019 | Page 30

our business: TALK WITH A BUSINESS INNOVATOR Tyler Moore Owner and Business Development of CLC Premier Lawns.  Making your outdoors luxurious and relaxing. Parker County Today: What did you do before you got into your current business?  Tyler Moore: Prior to starting CLC Lawns, I worked in industrial mining and the oil and gas industry for about 10 years, which I am still actively involved. I have held multiple positions with large mining companies and had great success and many opportunities to work with some talented leaders who have really shaped me professionally. These experiences have brought an array of challenges which have taught me to adapt, endure, innovate and be resourceful, to seek advice when needed. 28 PCT: What is your passion in starting this business?  TM: I enjoy meeting great people in our community, providing quality service and being in an industry that is always evolving and expanding. Landscaping is truly a passion of mine and every property is a blank canvas.   PCT: What made you decide to switch companies? How did you get into this field?  TM: I started this business in the fall of 2018, taking a hobby/passion and turning it into a business, which is something I have been thinking about for a few years. I enjoy working outdoors, problem-solving, and the rewards that come with this industry. With the amazing people and growth around Parker County, I decided there was no better time than now. PCT: What do you do in your day to day?