Parker County Today PCT January 2019 | Page 61

anyone, living or dead in history, who would it be?  MP: If I could have a meal with anyone it would be Jesus. Just to be in His presence. What a glori- ous, joyous time that would be. But I like parties, so I would want to have many people join us. We could share our meal with Mary, Martha, Ruth, Esther and my Grandma Treva. Wonderful godly women. John Baker John is a Weatherford police officer and was one of our 2018 Bachelors   PCT: If you had to do another job other than what you’re doing, what would you do?  MP: If I wasn’t a full-time mom, coach, wife, I would be a beach bum. Living in a shack right on the beach. PCT: What is your definition of the best day ever?  MP: My best day ever is hanging with all my kiddos and hubby playing games, watching funny movies, and eating some great Mexican food. PCT: What’s the best piece of advice you would give?  MP: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, then that love will flow through you to all others you encounter.  PCT: What is the coolest thing you feel you have done in your life?  MP: Opening my home to my wonderful adoptive children is prob- ably the coolest thing I have ever done. They are amazing young people and have blessed my husband and myself beyond measure. God is good. track or on the dirt roads near my home with my dog, Lucy. PCT: What is something people do not know about you? JB: A lot of people probably do not know that I rode bulls during high school and college. I really enjoyed it. But, I realized that I could never make a living riding bulls. That is when I decided to join the Weatherford College Police Academy. PCT: What would you most like to be remembered for?  JB: I would like to be remembered as a guy who was honest, hard-working, and a good friend who made a differ- ence in the lives of the people at his workplace and in his community.  Parker County Today: How did you get into your occupation? John Baker: I knew at a young age I wanted to get into law enforcement. I was raised up around law enforce- ment. I have watched my dad serve Palo Pinto County as a deputy sheriff, constable and now as justice of the peace. PCT: What is your favorite novel? JB: “Lonesome Dove,” by Larry McMurtry is my favorite novel. It is very interesting to me because the story is loosely based on the accounts of Oliver Loving and Charles Goodnight, who was a famous Texas Ranger in the 1880s.  PCT: What do you do to decompress?  JB: I enjoy going to the gym and working out. I also like to run at the PCT: What is your favorite way to “pay it forward”?  JB: My favorite way is to take kids and make it possible for them to do things they would not normally have the opportunity to do, like hunting and fishing. This includes teaching them gun and water safety while target practicing and baiting a hook. There is nothing better than watching a kid take his first deer or catch his first fish. Taking part in these activities is not only fun, but it can result in meat for their families’ freezers.  PCT: If you could have lunch with a living or dead person in history, who would it be? JB: That would be Josh Box. Most of you all probably do not know him. He is not in our history books. But, 59