Parker County Today June 2017 | Page 88

our expertise: VETERINARIAN ADVICE Dealing with Thrush Tom Hutchins, DVM, DABVP Thrush is very common, and it typically is a mild disease that can be easily treated. It can be prevented with adequate foot management and good stable husbandry. If you choose to ignore these preventative measures, or you come into possession of a horse with thrush, it needs to be addressed immediately and aggressively as complications and chronic lameness issues can result. Thrush can be insidious in its onset and left untreated can result in permanent lameness. Let’s discuss some descriptive anatomy of the foot to better understand the problem. When looking at the foot from the bottom, the hoof wall circles from the outside heel around the point of the toe and on to the inside heel. The frog is the rubbery-textured triangle with the flat base at the heel and the point two-thirds of the distance to the toe. The remainder of the whitish structure on the bottom of the foot is the sole. The frog has a central invagination or groove called the central sulcus, and the deep grooves