Parker County Today JULY 2019 | Page 39

“Dr. Anderson and Dr. White of Diamond W Equine were on the way. In the meantime, we dried her off and had a heater on her trying to keep her warm…. Everything we took out there was quickly soaked and we needed more,” Sherry continued. “I was speaking to Lewis on the phone, he told me to get our goose down comforter off the bed. I told Brandon to go inside and get it off the bed, he hesitated and said ‘Really?’… ‘Yes,’” Sherry said. When Brandon returned with the blanket, they wrapped her up tight and she wore it for the next two days.  To get milk to the baby, they had to think fast. “I remembered I just bought my grandkids a new bottle set so I grabbed it along with a syringe,” said Sherry. It worked, the baby was being fed. When Sherry was thanking Lisa, Lisa said, “I knew there was a reason I was supposed to come here today, I didn’t know what that reason was, but now I do.”  They got Jazzy and Sandi to the Weatherford Equine Center, but things did not look promising. Distraught, Sherry knew she couldn’t make the decision alone and although Lewis was jumping through hoops trying to get a flight out of Alabama, he would end up having to drive to Atlanta to catch the first flight home the following morn- ing. They were both praying Sandi would make it. On his way to the airport, Lewis was talking to God. “I prayed and prayed,” Lewis said. “I asked God to please show me a sign, anything … to tell me what to do, I don’t know what to do! But then I thought, ‘How would I trust to know that the sign was really him, knowing how badly I wanted her to live?’ It had to be something else, so I asked God to change the doctors’ minds.”   The next day when the doctors went to check on Sandi, they were surprised to see her looking much more alert and lively. Sherry had gone home long enough to shower and change clothes and was back talking with the doctors. Sandi’s vitals were stable and her lungs were developed enough that she could breathe on her own. Sherry was holding on to hope. Lewis arrived and listened to the doctor’s update. “I thought we were going to have to make a deci- sion on whether or not we had to put her down, but the conversation said otherwise,” he said. After explaining the pros and cons of keeping her alive, the vets asked what the Paulks wanted to do. Lewis asked, “What do you think, because yesterday we were told she prob- ably wouldn’t make it?” Dr. Qualls responded after some thought, “I think I’ve changed my mind.” That was all Lewis and Sherry had to hear, Lewis’s prayer had been answered.  They met Damaris (Dee) Hochanadel, a registered veterinary technician internal medicine specialist who had last worked in California at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in the Equine Neonatal Critical Care Unit. She would start working with Sandi right away. Because Sandi was born so early, she was the only preemie checked in at Weatherford Equine. With a Continued on page 90 Weatherford Parker County Animal Shelter Giving Second Chances Campaign $1.65 Million Goal to improve The WPCAS facilityand their life saving efforts. (All donations are tax deductable) Donate online at: [email protected] 403 Hickory Lane | Weatherford, TX | 76086 | 817-598-4111 37