Parker County Today JULY 2019 | Page 16

g vin r e s l il t S , g on s! r r t e S m s o st ear u c Y t 0 s 4 r Over ur very fi O Springer. “He knew what service was. He’d rather do things for some- one than have them do things for him. Look at all the kids whose son ander S y lives he has touched. l l Bi on • Look at all the kids s r e d San who worked for him rilyn a M that learned a work ethic rd • rizza G r from Roger. If every kid e Rog in America had a Roger Grizzard as their teacher, we’d all be much better off.” Not only did Roger teach young people about real world economics, he taught them about the value of paying it forward. When he “gave back,” he usually brought his teenaged posse with him. “Roger and his crew did over 30 Spaghetti Suppers for The Senior Center,” Nadeen Murphree, rst said. “The last few years the Evening the fi were arilyn y l l i Lions Club helped him with the nd B onth. M We lyn a Mari e of the m lays this. yal . s r fundraiser.” While no one can forget o e o p o y it’s d rst emplo oudly dis ving our l ! r a i r ened those Spaghetti Suppers, few remem- ce op the very f lace still p nd love se s our Pizz a l P Pizza illy was . Pizza P ounty, a who love e h ber how they began. T B t le r C 5, ne f 197 ly that, bu st $5.00 sa s in Parke d everyo “In 1976, we walked into Roger an gust o ir es on In Au ers. Not ay of the f ing busin lin, Billy, l y m nd Grizzard’s Pizza Place to have lunch custo ing a disp a long sta k you Mar d l n e o a b h h o T s i . d t with Yvonne Null, a representative y day onore are h mers ever from the North Central Texas Council o t s cu of Governments,” recalls Jerry Fisher, ~ ering t a C the first Executive Director of the Do Also Parker County Senior Center. “The e W ~ Parker County Committee on Aging 0591 - 4 had received grant funding from 9 5 817- NCTCOG for the Weatherford Senior Center to serve meals, provide trans- ST. N I Parker County Today portation, social activities, etc. Over MA . S Pizza Place Ad lunch, I was asked how we planned 18 2 1 August 2017 to raise local matching funds for this Honoring the grant. In the course of the conversa- First Customer and First tion, Roger came over to our table Employee of the Month to see if we needed anything and introduced himself. I responded to to teenagers from his classes. companies successful. “He had a Roger that I needed a plan to raise He also had a unique talent for good product, there’s no doubt about thousands of dollars in local match- teaching his government students in that,” Nuttall said, “but what made ing funds to support the Weatherford an interesting, down-to-earth manner. the business a success was Roger. Senior Center. Roger offered to help Roger would teach students about Even if his food hadn’t been great, it by serving spaghetti dinner one night the reality of the political system still would have succeeded because to as many people as we could sell and how government and elections everybody would have still eaten tickets. That is how I came to know impact the lives of everyone. there just to see Roger.” Roger as a compassionate, servant His students were often invited to As an economics teacher and a leader who contributed generously business owner, Roger was able to his restaurant on election nights to to the success of the Parker County show his students the practical appli- provide them with an opportunity to Committee on Aging … . This great cation of the economic principles he watch history unfold before their eyes man will be missed.” was teaching them. He brought his and to give them an opportunity to Bob Nuttall recalls that time when business skills with him to the class- discuss election results and how the he and Roger were young business- room and often he brought his class- men, working to make their fledgling room to his business, as he gave jobs Continued on page 20 T S U R T R ST! U O Y T PU OUR CRU IN 14