Parker County Today JULY 2019 | Page 10

“Mr. Roger Grizzard was a teacher at WHS for 21years,” said Dr. David Belding. “He taught Government/Economics during my tenure as principal at Weatherford High School. Roger was a busi- nessman, teacher, community servant, and most importantly, a man who impacted thousands of others in a positive way. Roger was Weatherford’s George Bailey, from It’s a Wonderful Life. A man who made his community better because he loved others.” Roger didn’t stop teaching when he retired from Weatherford ISD. His work continued on as he mentored dozens of young people every day in his wonderful Weatherford eatery, The Pizza Place. “I could go on all day about things this man has done to make our world a better place,” Nadeen Pickard Murphree said. “The many years he owned the Pizza Place he has donated a ka-zillion pizzas and spaghetti suppers to help the less fortunate of Parker County. I wish I knew how many hours he has volun- teered for churches, schools, non- profits and other events. He was the best.” The original Pizza Place was founded in Stephenville in 1968 and was the birthplace of Mr. Gatti’s. The Pizza Place in Weatherford first opened its doors in 1975 with Roger at the helm. The eatery was instantly a big hit with Weatherford. Roger took great pride in the fact that every- thing at Pizza Place was made from scratch including crust, sauces, and pizza toppings. Roger was an even bigger hit. “Roger Grizzard was a great businessman and teacher,” said Weatherford’s former mayor and business owner Craig Swancy. “He was always keenly aware of the pulse of Weatherford and its citi- zens. By the same token, Roger was also a great supporter of all things Weatherford. I will miss him as a friend and leader in our community. His optimism was inspirational. He always saw the very best in people.” Both Roger and his business were recognized with numer- Continued on page 12 8 Roger and Jeanine Grizzard