Parker County Today January 2016 | Page 95

They endured dust and heat and aggravation … Then they called the Good Guys Thank you, Good Guys! After planning, saving and working hard all their lives so they could build their dream home, James and Pam Ingram had finally realized their goal. Nine years ago, they built a Texas Hill Country-style house on a tree-shaded meadow north of Peaster. While they were thrilled to realize their dream, there was one problem — their new home was never actually comfortable. Pam did, however, have a favorite spot in her home, a place where she could relax in the evening, watch the sunset over the pool, enjoy the sight of birds and squirrels playing. Perfect, except for one thing — it was hot in the spring and summer and cold in the winter. “I would sit here in the summer, enjoy the view, and sweat,” Pam said. James agreed. “The whole house had hot spots and cold spots.” He added the only thing it didn’t have were comfortable spots. It’s every Texan’s worst nightmare to have their air conditioning go out during the heat of summer. The Ingram’s system never exactly “went out,” it just never worked properly. “We called the heating and air-conditioning contractor again and again,” James said. “They’d come out here and do stuff but it just never got any better.” After nearly a decade of being uncomfortable in their, “dream home,” Pam had an idea, asking James, “Why don’t we call Lightfoot Mechanical to come and fix this for good?” James thought it was a wonderful idea, and now he likes it even better. “Lightfoot made a world of difference,” he said, just weeks after the Lightfoot team finished revamping their system, just in time for th e most brutal part of the Texas summer. “In fact I just turned it down a little bit.” The Ingrams couldn’t be happier. “They did a fabulous job,” Pam said. “I am amazed and believe me, I’m 61 and I’ve known a lot of repair people and I can say they have been wonderful. Those boys went up there and they would work their hearts out, and I would have to make them come down and tell them, ‘Y’all have got to eat something. For heaven sake, take a break.’ I’ve never seen anything like them. They came in and told us what we needed and told us what they were going to do and showed us what was wrong, and then they made it right. Yes, the folks at Lightfoot really are the ‘good guys.’” JANUARY 2016 License # TACL001791C PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY Call 817-596-0309 93