Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 92

Karen Sams — Crockett Elementary Teacher and 2020 Texas Teacher of the Year  Karen has been a teacher for 16 years and is currently a third-grade teacher at David Crockett Elementary. “I love teaching because every day I get to build relationships with my students, help them grow and have fun,” she explained. “I have a quote by Rita Pierson posted above my desk that I read every day before my students arrive. ‘Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.’ This has become my mantra in the classroom and encom- passes my ‘why.’ I believe in the power of public education and see firsthand the positive impacts that access to a high- quality education has on children and our community.” Most people don’t know that 13 years ago Karen was set up with her now-husband, Eric, by her principal at the time. She also aspired to be on Saturday Night Live. Karen pays it forward by helping her students. “I have started select- ing one kid per week in my class to ‘talk in the hall’ with me. When they are called, panic usually overcomes them because they expect to be ‘in trouble,’ but once we get out there, I like to ask them about the best part of their day or have them tell me about something that made them smile. Then I make sure to give them a compliment or tell them something positive that I have noticed about them in class. This interaction changes their whole day for the better and it brings me absolute joy to see their faces light up.” Like any teacher, Karen would like to be remembered for the impact that she had on her students.  Annette Baker — Fifth-Grade Math Teacher for Martin Elementary 90 Annette changed her major from accounting to education her senior year at TCU, which she considers one of the best decisions she has ever made. “No two days are ever the same in the class- room, and I find no greater reward than seeing my students be successful,” she explained. Most people don’t know that she is the original staff member still teaching at Mary Martin Elementary and that she’s passionate about getting kids outside and work- ing in the garden. “Mary Martin Elementary has a school garden and a Junior Master Gardener Club. My personal children love growing vegetables, and I hope my students gain the same love of garden- ing,” she said. Her best piece of advice? “No one is in charge of your happiness except you! One of the many words of wisdom from my dad.”