Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 86

Greg Edwards — Senior Vice President for First National Bank of Weatherford  Greg loves being involved in the community and helping people achieve their goals, from assisting a large business improve efficiency or expand to a small business just start- ing out or a family building their dream home. Most people don’t know that prior to getting into banking, Greg spent the first eight years of his working career in the conven- tion and entertainment industry as the controller of the Fort Worth/Tarrant County Convention Center. What’s interest- ing about Greg? “The #EdwardsChallenge that my daughter Maddie and I started last year,” he explained. “It was our commitment to one another to run one 5K together in each month of 2019. We accomplished our goal and are now carrying it forward in 2020. And through her postings on social media, others have accepted the challenge and there are now people across the country attempting it this year.” Greg would like to be remembered as one who played a part in bringing a wonderful human being into this world. “Secondly, I hope that it’s because I touched people’s lives in a positive and uplifting manner.”  Cheyenne Mowery — Manager at Nature Mado Mercantile  84 Cheyenne sells CBD Health and wellness options for those looking for a holistic and healthier approach to modern medicine. Most people don’t know that Cheyenne rodeoed in high school and was homeschooled, graduating college early. “I finished my homeschooling program when I was 16 and started taking classes at Weatherford College. I started Tarleton in 2013, when I was 19 and graduated in 2015 when I was 21 with a Bachelors in Animal Production.” She loves taking care of animals and has a mini pig that thinks she’s Cheyenne’s daughter. “I believe she truly thinks she is my own flesh and blood. I’ve had her since she was 10 days old. She loves treats, pets and baths, but only if she can bob for Cheerios in the process.” Cheyenne would most like to be remem- bered for being a caring, fun and loving person.