Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 76

Mary Myers — Certified Intra Dermal Technician, Owner of Stellar Face and Body Mary owns Stellar Face and Body in Weatherford, which is “all things skin.” She loves her job because she gets to make a difference in some- one’s confidence. Most people don’t know that Mary is a total animal activist. “I used to own a nonprofit rescue, and I now have miniature Aussies that feel right at home in my rescue pack,” she explained. She also loves to support women and lift them up every chance she gets. “Empowering women to show them how strong they are is what makes life exciting.” Mary pays it forward by donating areolae to financially exhausted breast cancer survivors in October. Mary wants to be remem- bered for loving her family, friends, and everyone she comes in contact with, hoping she can help take care of them in some way. “Super Mom, Super Wife and Super Friend would be nice.”  Melissa started working in the admissions office at WC because she wanted to work more with our students. “My favorite part of my job is watching our students graduate or come to us for transfer information. I love being able to help them in their journey at WC from beginning to end,” she explained. “I have always wanted to work in an area of service to others, and I have found the perfect fit for me in the student services office.” Most people will find it interesting that she worked as a professional actress for several years before deciding to go back to school. Her favorite way to pay it forward is by giving advice and shar- ing motivation. “Opportunities to motivate someone or share a piece of advice that was shared with me seems to be two of the best ways to pay kindness forward.” Melissa would most like to be remembered for her perseverance, friendliness, loyalty and joyful spirit.  Melissa Whiteman — Administrative Assistant to the Executive Dean of Student Services at Weatherford College  Top 100 continued on page 78 74