Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 127

Sabrina Schmidt-Rust — Transaction Compliance Coordination Director with Platinum Real Estate Group Schmidt-Rust is the safety net for the 20-plus realtors at the Weatherford-based real estate firm. “I make sure that all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed,” she said. “Why do I do what I do? Because the world needs more perfectionists. There are no gray areas in real estate.” Schmidt- Rust works for Platinum Partners Jake Link and Wesley Stout, whom she refers to as, “young pups,” adding, “I’m their den moth- er. They’re all so busy, having nine or 10 transactions going all at once.” Her job is to catch any mistakes or oversights, like incor- rect dates, a contract that needs one last set of initials.  What’s the most interesting thing about her? “I raised four children in a 900-square- foot home with no television or central air conditioning and they all turned out to be amazing. I’m no wimp. I do cry every time I hear the National Anthem played at a high school rodeo.” Judy Youngs — President and CEO of Wish with Wings  Judy has been CEO of Wish with Wings since 2010. “We grant magical wishes for young Texans with life-threatening medical conditions. I have the best job in the world because I am able to get to know so many inspiring children and their families,” she explained. Most people don’t know that she once hunted rattlesnakes in the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup. Just loves to pay it forward in drive-thru restaurants. “I was raised in a law enforcement family, so I especially love paying it forward for our police, firefighters and other everyday heroes.” Her best piece of advice? “Always give more of yourself than you expect from others.” Judy would like to be remembered for making a difference in the life of a child facing an uncertain future. 125