Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 106

Lifelong Parker County Resident Attended school Weatherford ISD Attended Weatherford College, 1991 Graduated from Weatherford Criminal Justice Police Academy, 1993 Lifelong Parker County Resident EXPERIENCE Attended school Weatherford ISD, Attended Weatherford College, 1991 I have served in law enforcement for over 25 Graduated from Weatherford Criminal Justice Police Academy, 1993 years. In 1993, I started my career in Springtown as a reserve patrol officer. In 1994 I joined the EXPERIENCE Weatherford PD as a reserve patrol officer. In I have served in law enforcement for over 25 years. In 1993, I started my career in Springtown as a reserve patrol offi- 1996 I joined Police cer. In 1994, I joined the the Kennedale Weatherford PD as a Department reserve patrol officer. In 1996 I joined the Kennedale Police Department a patrol and promoted the as as a patrol officer officer and promoted through the through ranks to Captain, where I currently serve. ranks to Captain, where I currently serve. It’s time for change that supports leadership through trust and transparency. I have lived in Parker County my whole It’s I grew time up for with change that supports leadership life. important family values that are important to Parker County. Faith, fairness, and honesty are a through trust and transparency. I have lived is based in off of some of the same values. few of my guiding principles. Parker County heritage Parker County my whole life. I grew up with VISION important family values are the important to TRAINING As your Sheriff, I will work hard that to make Parker Master Peace Officer Basic Parker Sheriff’s County. Faith, fairness, and honesty County Office the most trusted, efficient, and are Correctional Officer Internal publicly law enforcement agency. To accom- a few supported of my guiding principles. Parker County Affairs Investigator plish this, I will address crime prevention and improve of Police Supervision, Institute for Law heritage is based off of some of the same values. School response times. I will enforce laws; build strong pos- Enforcement Administration itive partnerships with a coalition of local and state agencies to address behavioral health and chemical dependency within communities. I will build a trusted, transparent Sheriff’s Office through Leadership, Innovation, Accountability, Team- work, and Community Involvement. My goal is to meet regularly with communities throughout the county to hear about their concerns and continue to make Parker County the best place to live, work, and visit. Mays Business School Center for Executive Development Command Staff Leadership, Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute Texas Police Chief Association, Developing Leaders for Texas Law Enforcement National Emergency Management Training School Resource Officer Field Training Officer • S.W.A.T. Officer Pol. Ad Paid for by Darrell Hull Campaign