Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 100

our opinions: ADVICE FROM AN EXPERT In The Comfort Zone By BRETT HOBSON, CEO Comfort Experts and MELISSA MOORMAN Brett Hobson Connectedness in your own home - New Systems and advances to increase your comfort O ne of the recent trends in technology is the “connected home”. We have refrigerators you can see inside from the grocery store aisle to interior cameras that can be controlled from your smart phone. There’s no question that our homes are getting smarter. That’s espe- cially true with the advent of Wi-Fi connected thermostats that came on the scene five years ago. As a way to control your heat- ing and cooling comfort remotely, or even from inside your own home, Wi-Fi enabled thermostats are known by a number of names made by companies like Nest, Honeywell and Emerson. The newest ones learn your habits and preferences and program themselves to meet your needs. Now, you can have what commercial build- ing managers have had access to for years in your own home to make you more comfortable than ever. Almost 1/3 of our customers are asking for this additional connect- edness in new ac/heating systems. But how does it really help the consumer? For one thing, depending on the model you choose can create one portal to manage your home’s temperature and safety. Your fire safe, smoke, and carbon monoxide detec- tors can all be hooked together to keep your family safe. It can also be cued remotely to lower or raise the temperature in your home so it will be at the right temperature when you arrive home. Some will even contact you when the temperature is dipping down low enough for pipes to freeze so you can raise temperatures, saving you thousands of potential repair costs. Some learn your habits, using 98 motion detectors to determine when you leave and arrive back home to have the temperature to your perfect level, depending on your daily sched- ule. What it can’t do is to make your system work harder than it possibly can on days that are extremely hot or incredibly cold. On a 15-degree day, which we thankfully don’t have many of, or a 100 plus degree day, which unfortunately we have too many of, your heating and cooling system needs to run continually to just keep up with the temperature you choose. While the Wi-Fi enable thermostats train themselves to raise and lower the temperature to save energy when you aren’t home, on extreme temper- ature days it can make you uncom- fortable because your system can’t possibly catch up in the few hours after work when you get home. You will be trading energy savings with your family’s comfort. Other technological advances are available which allow you to zone your home to allow the temperature to be different in different rooms with a single system. You can have your bedroom be cooler or warmer at night than rooms that no one is in or air condition and heat different rooms at different temperatures at different times of the day. Other systems are being devel- oped to combat Sick Building Syndrome by pretreating increased amounts of fresh air coming into your home to remove contami- nants. Increased fresh air is essential because of the chemical contami- nants from both indoor and outdoor sources that exist in your home; things like exhaust and dust as well as gases and compounds from inside your home like adhesives, carpet, smoke, cleaning agents and synthetic fabrics. Sick Building Syndrome’s other contaminants can be biologi- cal like fungus, pollen and mold or radiation from televisions, computers and microwaves. When oil prices increased in the 1970s, buildings became more air tight with less outdoor ventilation. This reduced ventilation rate was found to be inadequate to maintain the health and comfort of building occupants. Malfunctioning heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC systems) also increase the indoor air pollution. In order to have an accept- able indoor air quality (IAQ) with a minimum energy consumption, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recently tripled ventilation standards to avoid the problems related to inadequate ventilation. New systems increase the fresh air flow while treating what’s coming inside while remov- ing contaminants providing clean air technology to your home. All of this technology is making our homes smarter, safer and more efficient much of it available on a smartphone or tablet. It’s a great thing to have when you are almost asleep and just want to move the thermom- eter down a couple of degrees. It seems like overkill all of this technol- ogy just to change the thermostat, but I think I remember this same discus- sion when television remotes came out.