Parker County Today February 2017 | Page 41

Heartburn or Heart Attack ?

Don ’ t Dismiss Chest Pain

By Akif Mohammed , MD
When chest pain strikes , it ’ s sometimes hard to know if the cause is that burrito you ate for lunch – or a heart attack . Symptoms of heartburn and heart attack can be quite similar , but the right diagnosis can literally be a matter of life and death .
Heartburn and other digestive disorders do not generally constitute a health emergency , but sometimes , it ’ s hard to distinguish the type of chest pain you are experiencing . Because heartburn is so common , and over-the-counter remedies are plentiful , the first instinct when experiencing a twinge of chest pain is to self-medicate . However , health experts recommend always erring on the safe side , and making your doctor aware of pain – especially if it is a new symptom – before treating yourself at home .
What is heartburn ? Heartburn , also known as acid reflux , affects more than 60 million Americans . It can occur when the lower esophageal sphincter – a ring-shaped muscle that acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach – does not close properly , allowing stomach acid to back up into the esophagus .
Severe , chronic heartburn is called gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ). The main symptom of GERD in adults is frequent , burning pain in the lower part of the chest , behind the breast bone , and in the abdomen . If a person regularly experiences heartburn more than twice a week , they are considered to have GERD , according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
While the exact cause of GERD is unknown , research has shown that GERD happens when the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes , allowing the contents of the stomach to seep backward into the esophagus , but the rest of the esophagus continues to work normally . Factors known to contribute to heartburn and GERD include obesity , pregnancy , and smoking , as well as consuming spicy , fried or fatty foods ; chocolate ; citrus fruits ; and caffeinated drinks .
Heartburn versus heart attack Each year , approximately 300,000 new cases of non-cardiac chest pain are diagnosed in the United States , according to the Mayo Clinic . Studies show that between 22 and 66 percent of patients with non-cardiac chest pain are experiencing GERD . The difference in heartburn and heart attack symptoms is the frequency and timing of symptoms .
Heartburn / GERD :
• The chest pain usually occurs after eating , or while lying down .
• Pain may be accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth , due to stomach acid moving up into the esophagus .
• Pain may be brief , or may continue for several hours .
• Chest pain may be accompanied by dry cough , asthma symptoms , or trouble swallowing .
Heart attack : Chest pain or discomfort involves uncomfortable pressure , squeezing , fullness , or pain in the center or left side of the chest that can be mild or strong . This discomfort or pain often lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back . Other patterns include upper body discomfort in one or both arms , the back , neck , jaw , or upper part of the stomach .
• Shortness of breath , which may occur with or before chest discomfort .
• Nausea , vomiting , light-headedness or sudden dizziness , or breaking out in a cold sweat .
• Pressure or tightness in the chest during physical activity or when you ’ re under emotional stress
If you regularly experience heartburn and the pain seems to worsen , or is different than usual – or if it occurs during physical activity and is accompanied by any of the above symptoms , call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room , immediately .
About the Author : Dr . Mohammed specializes in general cardiovascular diseases , interventional cardiology , peripheral vascular interventions as well as many other cardiovascular related diseases at the Heart Center of North Texas . He is an independent member of the medical staff at Weatherford Regional Medical Center .
Remember that this information is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor , but rather to increase awareness and help equip patients with information and facilitate conversations with your physician that will benefit your health .
Sources : National Heart , Lung & Blood Institute , www . nhlbi . nih . gov , American College of Gastroenterology , www . acg . gi . org , National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , www2 . niddk . nih . gov , Mayo Clinic , www . mayoclinic . com
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