Parker County Today February 2016 | Page 84

in Fort Worth when I was in my 20s called “Tootsie’s.” It was when I was working at the Kimbell Museum. One night, after giving a concert at the Convention Center, Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell came in to Tootsie’s and actually took the mike. Really! I have witnesses. Q: What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? A: Probably that would be going to France to plan a wedding with 25 table cloths in a suitcase when I was very young and it was an adventure. I didn’t really speak the language. Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of? A: Actually, I’m most proud of what I’ve managed to do at the gardens. I’ve been there since 2002. I think I’ve had a big part of making it what it is today. I think Douglas would be pleased. Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A: A singer, dancer and an actress. I did get to do that for a while. Q: Would you recommend your career for other people? Why? A: Oh yeah, without a doubt. It’s challenging, and though you have to put up with a lot, it’s rewarding to be a big part of someone’s special day. Sometimes the brides come back and they bring their children. They remember me. It’s wonderful. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Continued from page 76 Q: What do you do to relax? A: Yoga a couple of times a week. I also like to hang out with friends, play with my granddaughter, and I like to travel. Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? A: Italy. I’ve never been there. Q: What would you most like to be remembered for? A: I’d like to be known as one of the people who brought the arts west of Fort Worth. Raymond Nunn George Retired Citizen of Weatherford, Texas Q: What do you do? A: Absolutely nothing. Q: What is your favorite book? A: Don’t have one. Q: What is your favorite movie? A: I don’t have a favorite movie. Q: What is your favorite kind of music? A: Jazz and Blues Q: What’s the most daring thing TEXAS BUTANE CO., INC. Morris & Judy V. (Kemp) White South Side Square • 103 W. Church • Weatherford, Texas 76086 FEBRUARY 2016 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY Local Phone: 82 8 1 7 5 9 4 2 6 1 2 Propane Sales & Service Since 1958 Metro Phone: 8 1 7 5 9 6 8 7 5 8 “LOCALLY OWNED & FAMILY OPERATED” We are proud to be the oldest continuously family owned propane company in the Area!