Parents Press Aug. 2013 | Page 4

President ’ s Message

Well winter is well and truly here . Even though it hasn ’ t really been too chilly this year , it has certainly brought its fair share of coughs and snotty noses to our house .
The two things I couldn ’ t do without when the kids are like this is Vicks to put on their feet and the steam vaporiser to help everyone get a better night ’ s sleep .
I would like to give a big welcome to our 2 new committee members , who joined at our AGM in June . Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to the HPC – it would not run without people like you ! Also , a big welcome to our new Mini Rockers volunteers Sam , Fiona and Ginette .
We are always looking for people to volunteer with activities the centre is doing . You don ’ t need to join the committee if you don ’ t want to , there are always things we need support with , both on an on-going basis and project based activities . The biggest one is the Teddy Bears Picnic . If you would like to help with organising this amazing and fun event , let us know .
I hope you enjoy this edition of Parents Press . Michelle and Christina have been working really hard to get the e-newsletter up and running – no small task ! We are aiming to have 100 % of the newsletter going out to our members electronically by the end of this year . Better on the environment , more interactive for our members and it means we have funds available to get more resources for our members . I hope you enjoy your first e-newsletter . Feel free to share this with your friends and to give us feedback on how you ’ ve found it .
Take care until next time ~ Vicki

Editor ’ s Message

Welcome to another edition of Parents Press and our first digital issue ! We hope you enjoy this new way of receiving your newsletter .
We have a great theme this issue ; it ’ s all about cherishing the memories of your children and their childhood , as it goes by so quickly !
Putting the newsletter together has inspired me to do more to capture those special moments with my kids .
Only this morning I was framing up some of my daughters art , they are going to look fantastic hanging up on the wall , and she couldn ’ t be prouder ! I hope you also get some inspiration from the articles ; there are lots of great but simple ideas in there . Look out for a couple of fantastic competitions we have on offer this issue too .
Until next time , enjoy your child ’ s childhood with them , they ’ ll love you for it ! ~ Michelle