Community Support Profile :
Community Support Profile :
Parents as First Teachers
Parents as First Teachers ( PAFT ) is a free service , providing practical ideas and guidance to support parents in the role of their child ’ s teacher .
PAFT is based on the philosophy that parents are their children ’ s first and most important teachers .
PAFT will help you to understand how your child grows and develops and how you can encourage their development .
The service is similar to the Space program but offers parents a personalised one on one programme that is conducted in your own home through regular monthly visits .
Being a one on one service allows the Parent Educators to fit in with your schedule , and adapt the program to your lifestyle and baby .
You receive an individualised personal service , and educators are often matched to families based on their own background and experiences .
During each visit the PAFT educators will go through your child ’ s development stage and help you to understand what they are doing and why . They will provide a written observation of your child during each visit . Notes are also provided outlining developmental stages and what you can do to encourage your child to learn and explore the world around them . By the end of the program , parents have received a full manual of practical information on child behaviour .
PAFT will show you ways to provide educational and inexpensive activities for your child with simple things that you can find around the house , help you to encourage a love of books and reading in your child , and show you how to use everyday experiences as learning opportunities .
It ’ s all about providing practical and helpful information that you as a parent can apply to your child and situation .
Parents may be referred to PAFT by their midwives , Plunket or you are free to register yourself for the service .
Registration must be done before your baby is 4 months , and you are able to register before your baby arrives ( once in your 3rd trimester ). The program is run until your child ’ s third birthday , you may chose to opt out of the program before that if you wish but you can ’ t then rejoin for any subsequent children you may have .
PAFT has a team of five educators based in Hamilton
12 that also cover Cambridge and Te Awamutu . They have varied backgrounds in early childhood education , adult teaching and social work and are trained in the “ Born to Learn ” / “ Ahuru Mowai ” program . One of the educators is also fluent in Samoan .
If you are interested in the program or learning more , you can contact the lovely ladies at PAFT on 07 848 0214 or check out their website www . family-start . org . nz
On the following page are a few ideas from PAFT to make simple but educational toys for your children from things you can find around the house .