Filling in the skill gaps with tutoring
school,” Newman says. “With the Rotational
The Tutoring Center improves students’
Approach, Dr. Thalheimer has found a way
academic skills as a whole, rather than
to keep children stimulated. They spend
temporarily assisting them with individual
30 minutes at the first section, then 15
school assignments.
minutes at each of the sections after that.
Owner and director Leda Newman
Research data have repeatedly proven this
attributes the center’s success to focusing
approach to be highly effective.”
on both academic skill and attitude —
The Tutoring Center works with
which are completely intertwined.
students from pre-kindergarten to the end
“Our goal is to not only bring grades
of high school, on subjects ranging from
up, but to also develop in students a
early phonics all the way to Calculus. The
powerful interest in the amazing things
center also provides Pre-SAT programs,
they learn every day,” Newman says.
and will offer SAT and ACT prep sessions
The more a student struggles, the
this summer.
more their confidence and motivation
“Our ability to cover skill gaps from
diminish. This is why positive
earlier studies is especially important for
encouragement and in-depth instruction
effective SAT/ACT tutoring,” says Newman.
are paramount to the tutors at The
“Most programs throw students right into
Tutoring Center.
things, but we at The Tutoring Center get
Using the nationally standardized
to know the student, and where they are
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement,
Lead Instructor Sam Askew works with Jake and Josh
academically, first. That way, we help them
Newman first determines a child’s reading
Newman on SAT math questions.
train for the SAT or ACT with personalized
and math levels as compared to the
and thorough effectiveness.”
average scores for their grade level. The Kaufman Test, lauded by school and
Some children have special needs, and others are seeking enrichment
educational psychologists around the country, only takes about one hour and
programs. But no matter where your children are academically, says
rates a child’s month level within each grade year.
Newman, “we look forward to helping your children perform better in school
“For example, your student may be at a fourth-month of seventh-grade
and become better learners and growers.”
level,” Newman said. “The Kaufman Test is very accurate and enables us to
develop programs with predictable outcomes for our families.”
“Sometimes a student may be in Algebra II, but have some skill gaps
from 5th grade math that have been making math difficult
for them ever since,” Newman says. “That’s why The
Tutoring Center fixes comprehension gaps in a student’s
past studies, while also expanding their understanding of
what they’re currently learning.”
Newman says the same is true of any other academic
subject; vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension gaps,
for example, can hinder a student’s developing language
arts abilities.
“School systems are designed to teach a full grade each
year — and for most students that works,” she said. “But
when a student falls behind, it can be difficult for them to
receive the individual attention they need. That’s why The
Tutoring Center is such an important resource.”
Home tutors usually work on daily homework
assignments with a child, and after-school programs often
involve one teacher working with several children at once.
But The Tutoring Center provides one-on-one tutoring that
thoroughly addresses a child’s understanding of a subject.
• One-to-One Instruction • Reading
• Writing
• Individualized Programs • Math
• Algebra I & II
Using the “Rotational Approach to Learning” created
• Geometry
by Dr. Edward Thalheimer, educational psychologist and
• Guaranteed Results
• Study Skills • And More!
founder of The Tutoring Center, tutors keep students alert
Our system is designed to rapidly increase academic
and engaged.
skills and improve concentration span.
Students move through three different stations during
their hour at The Tutoring Center, practicing three separate
sets of material. Although the student works with a few
different instructors during that hour, the instruction is
always one-on-one.
“It’s not very effective to sit with one person, at one
table, working on one set of material for a full hour after
6 • May/June 2018 • Parent Teacher Magazine