Parent Teacher Magazine Cabarrus County School March/April 2016 | Page 8

Winkler Students Study Medicine    The Adventure Continues... Arts, SciTech, Sports, and College Prep. Ages 3-18. 2015-2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Labor Day Holiday Early Dismissal Teacher Workday Teacher Workday Veteran’s Day Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Winter Break New Year’s Holiday High School Early Dismissal Early Dismissal Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Teacher Workday President’s Day Early Dismissal Teacher Workday Spring Break Spring Break Teacher Workday Memorial Day Holiday High School Early Dismissal LAST DAY OF SCHOOL More than 300 seventh graders at Winkler Middle School participated in a problembased learning unit called Code Blue to learn
about human body systems through roleplaying. To prepare for Grand Rounds presentations, classrooms were turned into hospitals and students assumed the roles of doctors and specialists. In the medical field, Grand Rounds are an important t