Parent Magazine Volusia September 2019 | Page 13

seeing hundreds of kids at school each morning, but you can make the transition smoother by focusing on the puppies you’ll get to pat or on the worms you can stop and study for a few moments on the way. Whatever it takes to get your child to focus on a fun transition from home to school—that’s what to use as motivation. them get back on track swiftly. Once in a while someone will oversleep. Cut everyone some slack and offer a hand with the morning routine. You want to have high expectations and stick to them, while avoiding the expectation of perfection. Kids are only human and so are parents, after all. Notice Reluctance. If your child does not want to get Offer Rewards. Think of the door as the finish line, out the door, you may be dealing with procrastination. Pay attention to your child’s feelings and moods in the morning. Put on your detached detective hat. Notice signals your child is giving you about dreading to go to school and discuss them during a non-threatening time, like over the weekend or while driving around town doing errands, rather than in the morning right before school. Don’t dismiss reluctance about school as nothing. Instead, work together to put your child’s mind at ease about legitimate concerns. Supervise Progress. Some kids need help getting and staying focused, so go ahead and supervise. Mornings can become a time when whatever siblings are doing becomes riveting. That comic book on the bedroom floor seems much more appealing than packing the backpack. If kids have cell phones, their ears are perked up listening for incoming message tones. While you are helping little ones who need extra help, keep an eye out for wandering attention. Pop your head in their rooms to check on kids and peek in those lunch bags and backpacks. You will be making rounds for years before everyone is focused enough to manage the routine themselves. Encourage Autonomy. Don’t keep doing tasks for your child that she can do herself. If she can tie her own shoes, patiently wait for her to do it. If she can make her own breakfast, compliment her healthy choices. Building skills means doing tasks many times before they become routine. So, unless the bus is coming down the road, try to resist the urge to jump in and hurry things along. Expect Mistakes. Say your child forgets her lunch bag and don’t rush or scold after crossing it if you can possibly help it. Each time you succeed at getting everyone out the door on time is a win. If you have an attitude of “Go, team!” your kids will internalize that and want to succeed each day. Every once in a while offer a spontaneous reward for a week of consistent punctuality. It’s a great way to reinforce the idea that being on time matters. Keep-it-simple Morning Checklist Hugs and kisses are far more important than hospital corners on the bed. Encourage kids to pick up after themselves but save major chores for after school and weekends. Meanwhile increase your successful starts by focusing on these basics: Wash hands and face Pack backpack Comb or brush hair Put on shoes Brush teeth Wear a warm coat Get dressed Say, “Love you!” Eat breakfast Share hugs and kisses Make lunch If there is one thing, author, journalist and writing coach Christina Katz cannot bear, it’s days that get off to a stressful start. She tries to remember to breathe and be patient until everyone is successfully out the door. one day. Assuming it’s not a chronic issue, acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes. Being quick to forgive is a far better example for children, as you help guide 28 th Annual City of South Daytona Enchanted Forest A fantasy filled hayride event with local high school drama clubs performing fairy tale skits along a hayride route. Reservations are required. $3.00 per person. Children 2 & younger are free. Tickets are on sale at the Piggotte Community Center, 504 Big Tree Road beginning October 1 st , until sold out. The event will be held the nights of October 24, 25 and 26, 2019 at Reed Canal Park, 919 Reed Canal Road. Please call 322-3070 for more information. Tickets must be purchased in person.