Parent Magazine Volusia September 2018 | Page 12

Designate tech-free spaces. Silence or put away electronics during homework and chore time and during family-oriented activities. Meals in particular present a rich opportunity to connect with your kids without electronic distractions. “We no longer plant vegetables or quilt on the front porch together Engage with technology together. According to researchers at Arizona State University, gaming together offers teachable moments to share values and explore creative problem solving. “Parents miss a huge opportunity when they walk away from playing video games with their kids. Many video games are 10 | V O L U S I A parent MAGAZINE so meal time is one of the few times of the day when a family connects with one another,” says Dr. Anne Fishel, author of Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids. “If family members are distracted by checking their phones and other screens, they miss out on the chance to really focus on each other, and convey that essential message –– ‘you come first.’” Studies find that families who eat dinner together experience lower rates of substance abuse, depression and teen pregnancy. Kids who regularly eat dinner with their families are also more likely to have higher self-esteem, better grades and even stronger vocabularies. meant to be shared and can teach young people about science, literacy and problem solving,” says researcher Elisabeth Hayes, Delbert & Jewell Lewis Chair in Reading & Literacy and professor in ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Use technology together in other ways to strengthen communication skills and creativity. Invite your child to FaceTime or Skype with grandparents. Show her how to start a private blog about one of her favorite subjects. Take digital photos together and collaborate on a photo book or a calendar. By taking a proactive, balanced approach to technology with boundaries firmly in place, you can focus on using technology to complement rather than control your life while growing closer and happier as a family.