Average Readers Choosing high interest books is very important for
These kiddos have made good progress throughout the articles, and even reading instructions for putting
school year, but they are not yet independent readers. together model airplanes count as reading. Be creative
Their fluency is up and down. They may need reminders and find reading materials that motivate your average
to ask themselves questions as they read to maintain reader. You’ll be glad you did.
average readers. Remember that comic books, magazine
the meaning of the words. They’ll tend to focus word
by word rather than read smoothly through sentences.
They have limited vocabulary, but they are able to read
easy books independently.
Fluent Readers
It’s tempting to think that fluent readers don’t need to
practice their reading skills over the summer. After all,
These kids need to read books they know well for they’re cruising. But think of the learning opportunities
fluency and also tackle some harder books that are they’ll miss if they don’t find good books to read
high in interest. They’ll benefit from both independent all summer.
practice and some side by side help to encourage good
reading strategies such as rereading for meaning, trying
something else if the words don’t make sense, and
thinking about such story elements as beginning, middle
and end, characters and plot.
In addition, studies have shown that vocabulary is the
single best predictor of success in higher learning and
reading is the best possible way to grow vocabulary
knowledge. Even fluent readers need to keep honing
their skills and may need to branch out into new genres
These readers will definitely lose ground if they don’t such as biographies, poetry, science fiction, or topical
read during the summer. But with just fifteen to twenty non-fiction books to broaden their reading abilities.
minutes of daily reading, they’ll keep the skills they’ve
already learned and may even make some progress on
their own.
Great thinkers are good readers. Independent learners
need excellent reading skills to take off on their own
projects. Find some lists of excellent reading in various
The Y offers programming to keep kids active
and engaged during the summer months!
At the Y, kids can play in a Basketball League,
take a Swim Lesson, enroll in Day Camp,
or have an outdoor experience at
YMCA Camp Winona!
DeLand Family YMCA
761 E Int’l. Speedway Blvd.
DeLand, FL 32724
P 386.736.6000
Four Townes Family YMCA
280 Wolf Pack Run
Deltona, FL 32725
P 386.532.9622
Holly Hill Family YMCA
1046 Daytona Avenue
Holly Hill, FL 32117
P 386.253.5675
Port Orange Family YMCA
4701 City Center Parkway
Port Orange, FL 32129
P 386.760.9622
Ormond Beach Family YMCA
500 Sterthaus Drive
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
P 386.673.9622
Southeast Volusia Family YMCA
148 West Turgot Avenue
Edgewater, FL 32132
P 386.409.9622
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