Parent Magazine Volusia March 2019 | Page 30

FAMILY T H I N G S TO D O IN D EL A N D O UT D OOR AR T FE S T IVAL Volusia County Sat, March 23 - Sun, March 24 Location: Earl Brown Park, 750 South Alabama Avenue, DeLand S P R IN G FAIR Fri, March 28 - Sun, March 31 Location: City Center Municipal Complex, 1000 City Center Circle, Port Orange BUF FALO PHI L HA R M ONIC C ON C ER T 2019 O R MO ND B E AC H FO LLIES Sunday, March 31 at 3:00pm Fri, March 29 - Sun, March 31 Location: Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center, 399 N. US1, Ormond Beach $15.00 Reserved Seats. 7:30-9:30pm Fri/Sat, 2:30-4:30pm Sun tCenter/View/14424/Follies-2019-blue T H E ARC O F VOLUSIA AN NUAL C H A RIT Y G O LF TO UR N A M ENT Saturday, March 30 at 7:30am Location: LPGA International Golf Course, 1000 Champions Drive, Daytona Beach $125 per player, $500 per team. &secure=True Location: Peabody Auditorium, 600 Auditorium Boulevard, Daytona Beach $39-$54-$62-$69 Family discounts available. 2019 NS SA E A S T C OA S T C HA M PIONS HIPS Thu, April 4 - Sun, April 7 Location: The Inlet, New Smyrna Beach M OVIE S ON THE HA L IFA X : PE TE R RA B B I T Friday, April 5, 8:00-10:00pm Location: The Casements, 25 Riverside Dr., Ormond Beach APRIL EVE NT S DOW NTOW N DE L A ND C L ASSIC C A R C RU IS E - IN Monday, April 1, 4:00-7:00pm Location: Downtown, DeLand, East Indiana Avenue, DeLand Free event. ode/details/id/12037/recurringId/83832/cruisi n-downtown-deland Free event. Center/View/14595/April-MOTH-Flyer M AYOR 'S GOL F TOU R N A M E NT Friday, April 5 at 8:30am Location: Victoria Hills Golf Club, 300 Spalding Way, DeLand Proceeds benefit the MainStreet DeLand Association and Faith Hope & Charity. CIT Y OF SOUTH DAY TONA NATIVE AMERICAN EARTH FESTIVAL on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00am-7:00pm & Sunday, April 28 from 10:00am-5:00pm Location: Reed Canal Park, 2871 S. Nova Road (North entrance) Intertribal Dancing Showcase, Pow Wow Arena, Artists & Crafters Booths, Native American Shows, Native American Cuisine, Petting Zoo, Children’s Activities, Native Doll Display, Wildlife Exhibits & Shows, Displays, Encampments & Demonstrations AGES 13 & OLDER: $5.00 PER DAY AGES 4-12 YEARS $2.00 PER DAY C HILDREN 3 & YOUNGER ARE FREE 28 | V O L U S I A parent MAGAZINE Call South Daytona Parks & Recreation at 386-322-3070 for more information