Parent Magazine Volusia March 2019 | Page 11

RESO URCES: Hulu’s Stop, Breathe, and Think Kids: Mindful Games Betsy Rose’s Calm Down Boogie Album BOOKS : Happy Hippo, Angry Duck a Book of Moods by Sandra Boynton Moody Cow Meditates by Kerry Lee MacLean (being with anger) Dogger by Shirley Hughes (kindness and gratitude) How Kind! Book By Mary Murphy (passing kindness to others) Hey, Little Ant by Philip and Hannah Hoose (kindness, helpfulness, and empathy) When Sophie Gets Angry by Molly Bang (working with anger and other unpleasant feelings) Yuleisy Cardoso is a full time mother, published author, teacher and therapist whose background is in mental health and marriage and family. She is an expert in the practices of mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing in both adults and children. Please visit to inquire further. VOLUSIA parent MAGAZINE | 9