School: The stated goal can be simple. Keep a log of or phrases. For example, if your child’s goal is to play with
when homework is due to stay more organized and avoid the dog more, cut out images of dogs. A beach image is a
late assignments, or do homework for 30 minutes each day great reminder that you would like to travel to Hawaii. Be
instead of saving it all for the weekend. sure to have kids' magazines available. If you don’t find
Spiritual: For families who pray, a goal of saying
the exact image you want, you can always browse images
on the internet and print those out.
grace as a family at dinnertime is one idea. If you are
not religious, perhaps set a goal such as “meditate for 10 7. Build the board. Once you have a stack of images,
minutes each day” or “keep a gratitude journal” where open a file folder and lay it open flat on your work surface.
you write down five things you are thankful for each day Arrange and rearrange images and words in a way that is
could be goals. pleasing to your eye. You could use the left side for goals
Fun: In this category, ask kids about activities they would
and the right side for dreams if you wish. Using a glue
stick, paste your images onto the file folder. Once all of
like to do in the upcoming year. Would they like to go the images are glued in place, you can use markers to add
to a park once a week or see a new movie each month? color or more words. Be sure and write the date on the
Consider including travel in this category. Is there a place back of each board and keep them each year. It can be fun
they would like to visit? to look back on what you wanted in the past, and to see
Remember to try and not tell kids what goals they should
choose. Offer gentle guidance by asking questions and
offering suggestions, but don’t push even if you are dying
what goals and dreams came to be.
8. All together now. Once everyone has created their
own boards, consider doing a family vision board. If you
for them to choose better homework habits as a goal! Kids have the space to display it, use a larger base such as a
need to own their goals and dreams for a vision board to poster board (or a poster board cut in half) for this project.
work. Go through the same steps as you did for the personal
5. Dream on. The other part of a vision board can be boards. This can be a fun way to collaborate as a family,
about dreams. Dreams are things you or your children
would like to be or do in the future. Does your son want
to be a veterinarian someday? Do you want to travel
somewhere internationally? In this category, you can write
and discover what every family member wants to do or
achieve in the coming year.
9. Share your work! Be sure to place the boards
where they will be seen by the owner at least once a day.
down your wildest dreams! Next to the bed, or even near the bathroom mirror are
6. Start crafting. Once everyone has written a loose possible locations. Same goes for the family board. Be sure
list, it’s time to start looking for images that represent
those goals and dreams. Flip through magazines and cut
it is in a central location where everyone will see it and
get inspired.
out images that appeal to you. You can even cut out words
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