Parent Magazine Volusia January 2019 | Page 8

V olusia County Schools will hold its Teacher of the Year banquet on January 18 at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort. The banquet will be a time to celebrate the 72 nominees, and the 2020 Teacher of the Year will be announced. The current Teacher of the Year is Nicole Grebosz, a technology teacher at Citrus Grove Elementary. In addition, three teachers will be recognized by the superintendent for representing the school district’s three guiding principles. BEF ORE TH E BAN QU ET AND A N N OUN CE ME N T, G E T TO KN OW TH E FI VE F IN A LIS TS F OR VOLU SIA COU N T Y SC H OO L S TE AC HE R OF THE Y E A R: SHARRON DEROSIER WORLD HIS TORY, S TEM L ABS GAL AXY MIDDLE M.A ., UCF B.A ., UCF “My students regularly exceed expectations, both behaviorally and academically, that their past has burdened them with. I show students that their past can be a springboard instead of a crushing weight on their shoulders. My mission every year is to find a way to form the positive relationships the toughest students need, find a way to relate to them, find a way to make them see who they can be. Doing just that is my inspiration.” IAN JAC KSON AVID TAYLOR MIDDLE-HIGH B.S. TOCCOA FALL S COLLEGE “I am inspired to go to work each day because I have the privilege of playing a part in changing the trajectory of my student’s lives. The majority of my students represent the end of a centuries-old cycle. They will be the first in their families to graduate from high school AND attend college. Almost everything I teach and everything that I do in my class is geared toward making that milestone possible.” 6 | V S T O . L J U O S H I A N S parent parent M A M G A A G Z A I Z N I E N E