Parent Magazine Volusia February 2020 | Page 25
How To Help With Homework: Have your kids vocalize
the material they’re studying. Making up rhymes and
songs will help them better remember it. Have them
record themselves explaining the material, so that
they can listen to the recordings whenever needed. If
they have a difficult time understanding something,
explain it to them orally. Since auditory learners are
highly sensitive to auditory stimuli, have classical or
instrumental music playing in the background when
they study.
Reading/Writing Learners
How They Learn: Some kids process new information
by reading or writing about it. A sign that your kids
might be reading/writing learners is that they enjoy
keeping a journal or writing creative stories. At school,
reading/writing learners are especially good at taking
notes from their textbooks and from what the teachers
are writing down on the blackboard.
How To Help With Homework: Have your kids write
down what they’re supposed to learn in an organized
way. Have them create detailed study notes, organized
nicely into sections with proper headings. Get them to
look up information online and in reference material
as they work. Since reading and writing require focus,
make sure their study space is nice and quiet.
Kinesthetic Learners
How They Learn: Kinesthetic learners process new
information through hands-on activities that allow
them to touch and manipulate objects. A sign that
your kids might be kinesthetic learners is that they
love creating new things with building blocks or
taking things apart to see how they work. At school,
kinesthetic learners especially enjoy tactile scientific
How To Help With Homework: Have your kids study
with physical objects. This can be using coins to learn
math or cutting letters to practice spelling. Since touch
and movement help kinesthetic learners process new
information, encourage them to stretch regularly or
move when they study.
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V O L U S I A parent M A G A Z I N E | 23