Parent Magazine Volusia April 2020 | Page 17

Like any other media which reaches the public there distance. Don’t let the next child arrested for making is a responsibility to use it wisely. (Can you imagine written threats be your child. Talk to your child(ren) someone using a newspaper or a TV show to threaten about their social media use. I’ve heard many parents another person?) In order to combat the unintended say to their child “I’m not here to by your friend, I’m consequences of social media misuse you should make here to be your parent.” When it comes to social your child(ren) aware and debunk the myth that what media you may want to literally be their ‘friend’ or they send is only between them and the other person. “follower”. What better way to be aware of their The truth of the matter is that with the enactment of ‘avatar’ or ‘digital presence’ that they are known by to this law, anything that they put out into cyberspace for the rest of the world. someone else to see can be documented, reproduced, and used as evidence against them in a court of law. Electronic platforms are known as Social Media--- not Anti-Social media. These platforms should be used to foster relationships, share great experiences with friends, keep people informed, and keep up with Marc Dwyer is a Partner at the Law Firm of Chiumento Dwyer Hertel Grant and specializes in Marital and Family Law. This month’s Anecdote: An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure. interesting people; not to threaten people from a V O L U S I A parent M A G A Z I N E | 13