There are so many fantastic camping choices. So
parents may want to start by first deciding on how
much time and how much they can afford. Will this
be for just a weekend or will it be for one week or
longer? Check out the low cost for camping at state
parks in Florida. If you decide on a camping trip at
one of Florida’s state parks, make sure you make a
reservation. If time and budget permit, you may want
to consider the amazing private and public facilities
in other states. Just keep in mind, the more popular the
location, the greater the need to make a reservation as
early as possible.
And don’t forget about the many wonderful camping
experiences, which are provided by private vendors.
Some of these are organized by a theme or focus.
There are many reputable summer student camping
organizations both in and out of state. Again, the
important thing is to do your homework before giving
children the selections from which they can choose.
ith Spring Break behind us, summer vacation for
students is not to far away. April is the perfect
time for parents to start thinking about what they are
going to be doing with and for their children in June,
July, and August.
Children learn from experiencing new situations and
asking questions. Therefore, traveling and camping are
two of the best ways for children to gain knowledge
and have fun at the same time. Since most people
know what traveling is, I am going to focus this article
on camping.
Camping is one of the best experiences a child can
have. Whether it is with Mom, Dad, another adult or
the whole family, children benefit from outdoor and
positive unfamiliar experiences. So much learning
takes place when children are asked to do things
they have never tried in a different and supportive
Parents need not worry about being expert campers or
making this a long outing. The point is to begin talking
about camping with your children. Get some ideas
from them about where they would like to go and what
they want to do. Then, do your research about the
places they mentioned and some places and activities
you had in mind.
Parenting Tip: Research has proven when possible,
rather than dictating everything to a child, supervising
adults should always try to give children options
and allow them to decide. This behavioral strategy
allows children to know adults are willing to trust their
decisions. At the same time, caregivers must hold
children accountable for following through on their
decisions in a responsible manner.
The last day of school is May 29. So get busy and start
planning that summer travel or better yet, a summer
camping experience for your children. You and they
will be glad you did.
Chair, Central Florida Public School
Boards Coalition
Volusia County School Board, District 4
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