Parent Magazine Volusia April 2020 | Page 7

FROM THE EDITOR T hese are challenging times as we deal with all of the ramifications of the COVID-19 virus. Of course, we want to continue to provide relevant and useful information to you, and so we have changed our format a bit to reflect our current situation. We have removed our event based things to do section, both in print and online, and have added things your family can do at home. We have also changed our delivery method since schools are closed. We have increased our digital distribution and are mailing to a small number of families. We have also added some COVID-19 specific content to our website, and will be updating it on a weekly basis so make sure you visit the site frequently. If you want to make sure that you receive this magazine every month, please sign up for our digital newsletter. This will assure that you don’t miss an issue. It is not too soon to start thinking about summer camps. The thought of camps can bring joy and/or excitement to campers and parents alike. As we planned out this issue, our team had fun telling our own camp stories, and I thought I would share one of my stories with you. When my daughter, Elesha, was 6 years old, she wanted to go to a YMCA swim camp in an adjacent town. She was going to go with her good friend who lived next door. At the last minute, her friend decided not to attend. I wanted her to change her mind in going, but she was determined to go. As I watched her get on the bus that day (the only girl at a bus stop full of boys), I was in tears. She, of course, was fearless. She thrived at the camp. My fears were unfounded, and Elesha’s camp experience added to her confidence. We hope the content in this issue will help you with your decisions around camp, and other summer plans. If you are looking for a camp, please check our online directory for ideas! A few of our staff recently attended the Parenting Media Association conference. We are honored that our peers have chosen to award our 2019 Health and Wellness issue Gold in the category of Overall Ancillary Issue Design. We are in the planning for Health and Wellness 2020, which will focus on Diabetes. If you are dealing with, or just worried about someone in your life getting, diabetes, please let us know what content you would find meaningful, and make sure that you subscribe for our digital issue. We publish this magazine for you, our readers. CONTACT US Wishing you and your family [email protected] a wonderful summer planning season and continued good health, @VolusiaParentMagazine @VolusiaParent DR. BARBARA C. HOLLEY EDITOR, PARENT MAGAZINES @VolusiaParentMag @Volusia Parent Magazine Parent Magazine is published by TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley Sr. EDITOR Dr. Barbara C. Holley MANAGING EDITOR Jeanne Coates ART DIRECTOR Ashlee Harrell CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Teldra Jones SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR Charlene “Charlie” Savidge DISTRIBUTION AND FULFILLMENT Carl Jones EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Danielle Anderson • Journalist / Writer Frank Fitzgerald • Volusia School District Derby Johnson • Parent Representative Marina Pierre • Photographer Kelly Schultz • Volusia School District Lisa Viccaro • Halifax Health INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? If you would like to advertise in Parent Magazine, please call 386.283.5906 or email us at [email protected] IDEAS FOR ARTICLES? Send your article ideas or provide feedback to [email protected] PO Box 350682 Palm Coast, FL 32135 All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. TouchPoint Innovative Solutions assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. © 2020 TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved. V O L U S I A parent M A G A Z I N E | 3