Parent Magazine St. Johns September 2018 | Page 6

FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT T he school year is in full swing and we have welcomed more than 40,000 students to our campuses and in our classrooms. The hard work and dedication from administration, teachers and support staff in making opening day and the days that followed the very best was apparent. This resulted in happy students eager to learn and greeting their friends. I have had a wonderful time visiting schools to share in welcoming our students. Preparation for the beginning of a school year starts months before the bell rings. Transportation, food service, custodial and maintenance staffs plan, practice, clean, beautify, and build to get ready for students and teachers alike. The excitement of the first days wears off, but the passion and desire to provide an excellent educational experience for your children is on! The same dedication to keep the momentum and ensure success for our students does not wane as the first nine weeks continues. The St. Johns Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Securities personnel, public service assistants and crossing guards are incredible in supporting our operations and adding another layer of safety and security to our campuses and surrounding areas. Many schools are hosting curriculum nights and open houses to showcase the extraordinary learning and instruction that is taking place. I hope that you enjoy these opportunities to familiarize yourself with teachers and staff with whom you have entrusted your precious children. I am very grateful for your continued involvement as parents and I look forward to keeping the momentum going throughout the year. TI M F ORSON , S T. JOHN S COUN T Y S UPERIN T EN DENT OF SC H OO L S VI SI T US ON L I N E AT WWW.PAREN T MAGAZIN EFLORIDA .COM 4 | S T. JOHNS parent MAGAZINE