Parent Magazine St Johns October 2021 Issue | Page 10

Horn of Plenty : How To Have a Happy Harvest

By Christina Katz

At the root of harvest celebrations is the idea that plentitude results from one tiny seed producing a whole crop of results . At no time of year is this spirit of generosity better exemplified than at harvest time .

To harvest means to gather together what is cultivated , abundant and ripe . Traditionally the harvest has been associated with the gathering of crops for sharing , preparing and celebrating abundance . A harvest celebration can be small and private or open to the extended community .
In modern times , we purchase most of our food in stores , so we may miss out on the sense of connection that harvest celebrations provide . How can your family better commemorate the harvest ? Start by reclaiming an attitude of abundance according to what you already have — because this simple principle is what the harvest is all about . Here are some reminders for how to have a happy harvest :
Take stock
Your harvest doesn ’ t have to be edible . Even if you don ’ t grow vegetables or flowers , you can find other ways to celebrate . What does your family have in abundance ? Maybe your kids have skills or hobbies . Is your daughter or son good at reading ? Are they good at making models ? You may have a collector or two in the family . Everything counts .
Encourage your kids to be prolific . Take stock of what your kids enjoy doing or collecting . For example , my daughter is a prolific sketch artist . She has accumulated stacks of drawings throughout the house over the last few years . We have one rule : no throwing drawings away . Even if she doesn ’ t like something she draws in that