Parent Magazine St. Johns October 2019 | Page 7

FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT and custodians are on site to help with whatever needs attention. Volunteers including teachers, support staff, administrators and community members provide additional support for shelter residents. Of course, none of this could be accomplished without the assistance of our St. Johns County Emergency Operations Staff. Their assistance with infrastructure and materials for set up and operations is a necessity. A huge THANK YOU to those who served and to those we were able to serve! Hurricane Dorian caused a disruption and one that happened early in our school year which caused many of us to restart this year in many ways. In our elementary and K-8 schools we made a concerted effort to spend additional time reinforcing procedures and expectations to help our students be successful. Our children are bright and resilient, and they found their stride very quickly. R ecently, we experienced Hurricane Dorian, and while its impacts were not widespread or excessive regarding damage, it did put a stress on our community. Making the decision to close schools is always a very difficult one and requires the input of city and county officials and agencies. I am grateful for the support we received to open the shelters and subsequently close them when it was determined that we were out of Hurricane Dorian’s impacts. We live in a wonderful community that supports one another in times of need. As I continue to offer my thoughts and prayers to those in the Bahamas who were so tragically impacted by Dorian, I would like to thank the staff members who worked at the Emergency Operations Center and shelters during the storm. Many do not know that our principals serve as shelter captains and open their schools to manage the operations. Our bus drivers help to transport those without means of getting to shelters and this includes their pets. Food service workers are responsible for ensuring that shelter residents are fed while maintenance managers Lastly, I want to encourage you to volunteer your time and talents within our schools. Your efforts make a huge impact for our students, teachers and support staff. Academic tutoring, chaperoning field studies, mentoring, participating in parent teacher organizations and booster clubs, are just some of the activities that resulted in 26,905 community members giving more than 264,000 hours of service in St. Johns County schools during the 2018-2019 year! While these numbers are impressive, there is still a spot for more parents and volunteers. The biggest prerequisite needed to volunteer is having a heart for students. To become a volunteer, you must have school access and can sign up through this link I sincerely hope you take this opportunity to be engaged with children in their learning environments. Sincerely, TIM FORSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, ST. JOHNS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT VIS IT U S ONLI NE AT WWW.PARE NTM AGAZINE FLORIDA .COM S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E | 7