Parent Magazine St Johns November 2021 Issue | Page 15

just children of families who have moved into care homes when families can ’ t support them . Increasingly young girls are being rescued from the sex trade and given a chance at a new life in such homes . If you ’ re interested in supporting a child overseas , be sure to decide whether you ’ re a one-time supporter or you ’ re in it for years . Sometimes you ’ ll receive pictures and letters from the children you support , sometimes not . It ’ s important to understand that there are many mouths to feed in such homes and the ones who don ’ t get supported need to eat as well . So your money may go into a fund that supports all . These children grow up or move away at times so be prepared to either select a new child or choose another way to give . Some of the best organizations for child sponsorship are World Vision , Shared Hope International , She Is Safe ( formerly Sisters in Service ) and Save the Children .
Make Micro-Loans
All around the world women are receiving small seed loans to begin their own businesses or learn how to save and earn interest to better support their families . A loan of only enough money for an American family to go out to dinner will literally change a life in Asia or Africa . Since the beginning of the micro-loan concept , it has been established that they work best for women who tend to have a much higher rate of success and repayment . Loans are taken to begin small sewing or cooking businesses . They ’ re taken to save for education and for any number of small business ventures . The best-known organization for micro-loans is Kiva . org .
Support Medical Projects
Imagine the joy experienced when a person with cataracts has them corrected in a simple operation and they can see again . Or imagine one suffering with infected , rotten teeth who has dental services provided . Often , clinics in other countries are basic hygiene and eye and dental services that we take for granted as normal health care . Giving aid to organizations such as Medical Teams International or Doctors Without Borders is a wonderful way to bring basic healthcare to those who never expect to have it .
Purchase Animals
Providing goats , chickens , pigs and other animals can literally change the life of a family with limited food supply . And when training in animal husbandry is added , the animals can bear young and supply both food and income for generations to come . Heifer International , Practical Presents and Present Aid are three organizations providing such aid .
Community Development Projects
Another way to give to overseas aid projects is to fund organizations doing community development . This may be in the form of digging wells to provide clean water to a community or providing mosquito nets to prevent the spread of malaria . It might be an agricultural project such as growing a healthier form of a grain or introducing a new trade into a community . MCC , the Mennonite Central Committee , does these projects as well as Mercy Corps .
Food / Feeding Programs
When people are hungry there is nothing else on their minds . They can ’ t improve their job skills , go to school or otherwise get their lives in order . They need food . Hunger Plus Incorporated and Food for the Hungry are two organizations that specialize in distributing food . There are many other organizations that do food distribution in addition to many other projects to benefit the poor and needy .
Perhaps you ’ re saying to yourself “ There are plenty of projects to do right here in my own backyard .” And you ’ d be right . While the level of poverty tends to be greater in developing nations , there are many needs in our own communities . Maybe you ’ d like to volunteer in Big Brother or Sister programs or work through local food banks to feed the poor in your own community . There are so many opportunities for your family to give of your time , energy , and money .
Below you ’ ll find a site to vet non-profit aid organizations and also a great website , Doing Good Together which teaches families how to intentionally live generous lives .
www . doinggoodtogether . org www . charitynavigator . org
Jan Pierce is a freelance writer and the author of Homegrown Readers and Homegrown Family Fun . Find Jan at www . janpierce . net .