Parent Magazine St. Johns November 2018 | Page 5

FROM THE EDITOR MAGAZINES Dear Friends, As we begin the holiday season, we’re reminded of the fond family memories of years past as we look forward to the new ones we will create this year. November is traditionally a month when we come together as families, from near and far, to celebrate the many people in our lives for which we are thankful. In my own family, even with our busy schedules, this is always a very special time of year, and I try to put in a little something extra to show the people near and dear to my heart how grateful I am to have them in my life. In keeping with the theme of gratitude, this holiday issue touches on ways to show kindness and appreciation for those in our lives and communities. November 13th is World Kindness Day and what better way to share our appreciation for others than to practice random acts of kindness? In our own everyday lives, we’re grateful for someone holding the door for us, that surprise card arriving in the mail or the person ahead of us in line asking if we’d like to go first. Filled with those little things that can really change someone’s day, we hope you and your family will enjoy talking about how to “Make Our World A Better Place: 44 Random Acts of Kindness.” Being thankful extends beyond the words “thank you,” and showing love for our family during the holiday season can come in a number of ways, including spending quality time together. We may spend the morning watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as we prepare the holiday meal together, but when the dishes are cleared and the leftovers packed up, what do we do next? Flip over to the article “Dinner Is Done, Now What?” for a handful of creative suggestions that will show your loved ones just how much you value spending time together, even when everyone is too full to move! Did you know relaxing together during the holiday break is the perfect time to help sharpen your child’s critical thinking skills? As you play a board game or work a puzzle together, you’re helping your child problem solve, while building critical math and language skills, a win-win for everyone! They are having fun and learning at the same time, creating memories with you that will be special moments they’ll never forget. That’s definitely something to be thankful for. We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and look CONTAC T U S forward to seeing you soon! All the best, D R . BA R BA R A C. H O L L E Y EDI TO R , PA REN T M AGAZINE S [email protected] @StJohnsParentMagazine Parent Magazine is published by TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley Sr. EDITOR Dr. Barbara C. Holley MA N AGIN G EDITOR Jeanne Coates A RT DIREC TOR Carly Teigeler C IRC UL ATION DIRE C TOR Teldra Jones A DVERTISIN G SA L E S Gabrielle Gonzalez Debbie Trask Sandra Worm DIS TRIBUTION A N D FULFI L L M E NT Carl Jones Jimmie Jukes EDITORIA L A DVISORY BOA RD Danielle Anderson • Journalist / Writer Christina Langston • St. Johns School District Fransesco Manfredi • Flagler Hospital Marina Pierre • Photographer IN TERES TED IN A DVERT I S I N G? If you would like to advertise in Parent Magazine, please call 386.283.5906 or email us at [email protected] IDEA S F OR A RTICL E S ? Send your article ideas or provide feedback to [email protected] 520 Palm Coast Parkway SW, Suite 201 Palm Coast, FL 32137 @StJohnsParent All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. TouchPoint Innovative Solutions assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. @St.Johns.ParentMag © 2018 TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved. @St. Johns Parent Magazine