Parent Magazine St Johns May 2022 | Page 25

Snooze Better . Keep the bedroom tidy . Block out any evening or morning window light with heavy drapes . Change your sheets weekly . Replace any bumpy or ragged pillows .
Let Sunshine In . Open up those shades and blinds and give the windows a quick wipe down for an immediate moodimprover . Sunshine boosts your happy hormone , serotonin , and increases white blood cell production , which helps boost your immune system . Ah .
Keep Blood Sugar Steady . Add more protein into your diet so you will stay energized longer . Try easy-to-incorporate sources like yogurt , cottage cheese or eggs .
Buy Some Boing . Bounce back more quickly from everything with a pair of new sneakers and some cushy athletic socks . Put them to ample use by wearing them indoors and out .
Surround Smile . Hang images of smiling people you love everywhere . Put away any photos that bring you down . What other images or words bring you joy ? Get them out and up .
Share the Bouquet Bounty . Purchase a large bunch of flowers and then break the blooms up into smaller vases around the house . Combine a few flowers with twigs and blooms in season by the front door .
Brighten Up . Dispel shadowy corners by changing all the burned-out bulbs in the house . Then restock your backup supply so that you will be ready for next time .
Wash Away the Dust . Launder the curtains , the blankets and the pet beds . This keeps the air cleaner and keeps seasonal allergies at bay , as well .
Chew Longer . Put a bowl of fresh fruit next to the couch near the TV . Continually rotate a variety of crudités in the fridge . When you need to crunch , choose healthy junk food like popcorn or baked chips .
Spritz Things Up . Place some lemon or orange air fresheners around the house , especially in the kitchen , bathrooms and pet rooms .
Bring on the Berries . Keep a variety of energizing berries in the house year-round , if you can . Add their intense color to at least two meals a day .
Freshen Up . Add a mint or eucalyptus body and foot scrub to your shower gel collection . Either one will wake you right up .
Still Tired ? Try an easy-toabsorb iron supplement daily for one week . Take it with a citrusy beverage . Notice an improvement ? You just might need more iron on an ongoing or cyclical basis . Ask your doctor about a blood test to find out where you stand .
Boost Your Energy on the Go
Here are some items to keep in your purse or car that will keep your energy running high all day , no matter what you have on your to-do list :
• Small packets of trail mix
• Non-sugary granola bars
• A water bottle that fits in your car ’ s beverage holder
• A couple of individually wrapped Yerba Maté tea bags
• Minty gum or breath fresheners
• Photos in your wallet of your most beloved people
• Lip-gloss in your favorite color
• Roll-on perfume to dab on your wrists
• Divinely scented hand cream
MAY 2022 | 21