By Ken Schuster, PsyD
ddly, most of our understanding of sleep comes learning when they don’t get enough sleep, from fussy,
not from knowing what happens when we overtired infants to high schoolers nodding off in class.
sleep but from noticing what happens when
we don’t. Sleep is a powerful restorative process. It
The basics of sleep hygiene
helps us function better physically, emotionally, and Sleep is essential, but many of us, kids and adults alike,
metabolically. It helps us consolidate and form our don’t get enough of it. One of the best ways to get
memories, and it has a direct effect on our attention back on track is through better sleep hygiene. This
and behavior. That means, of course, that reduced sleep means establishing habits that promote a good night’s
leads to reduced capacity to do well in school. Kids who sleep, like setting a routine. Routines look different at
don’t get enough sleep might even be mistaken for different ages. For example, infants aren’t born with
having ADHD. Many of the symptoms are the same— the same biological clock that keeps us asleep at night
kids running low on sleep are less able to concentrate, and awake during the day. Instead infants will sleep
more easily distracted, and more hyperactive or for a few hours and then stay awake for a few hours,
impulsive. And kids of all ages have a harder time regardless of the time of day. This is perfectly normal
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