Parent Magazine St. Johns January 2020 | Page 5

FROM THE EDITOR “ T ake the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Happy New Year! We are delighted to bring you our New Beginnings issue! The new year brings with it a fresh start, and is a time for resetting your goals and the actions needed to reach them. In response to the feedback of our readers, we are beginning a new column this month – Legally Speaking. We will be covering different legal subjects that affect families. Winter break and the holiday activities may cause your child to forget or get out of their school routine. January is a time to reset those habits and goals. We have included an article in this edition that will aid you in creating a vision board that will open the discussion around goal planning. We have also included ideas on how to get your children to fall and stay asleep, a challenge that seems universal to all parents. One of my resolutions over the years was to find time for meaningful conversation with my family. Why Family Dinners Matter gives you the science behind why this practice is so important! As always, we know you have a choice on how you spend your time, and we appreciate you reading this magazine and visiting our website. If you are not receiving our weekly newsletter with things to do in the area, please go to our website and sign up today! While you are there, sign up to win one of our contests, or drop us a note and let us know what you like and would like to see added to the magazine! Wishing you a very happy 2020! DR. BARBARA C. HOLLEY EDITOR, PARENT MAGAZINES CONTACT US [email protected] @ StJohnsParentMagazine @ StJohnsParent @ St.Johns.ParentMag Parent Magazine is published by TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley Sr. EDITOR Dr. Barbara C. Holley MANAGING EDITOR Jeanne Coates ART DIRECTOR Ashlee Harrell CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Teldra Jones SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR Charlene “Charlie” Savidge DISTRIBUTION AND FULFILLMENT Carl Jones EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Danielle Anderson • Journalist / Writer Danielle Cook • St. Johns School District Jennifer Jamack • Flagler Health+ Christina Langston • St. Johns School District Vikki Mioduszewski • Wolfson Children’s Hospital Marina Pierre • Photographer Susan Connor • Parent Representative INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? If you would like to advertise in Parent Magazine, please call 386.283.5906 or email us at [email protected] IDEAS FOR ARTICLES? Send your article ideas or provide feedback to [email protected] 520 Palm Coast Parkway SW, Suite 201 Palm Coast, FL 32137 All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. TouchPoint Innovative Solutions assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. © 2019 TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved. @ St. Johns Parent Magazine S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E | 3