Parent Magazine St. Johns January 2020 | Page 28

FAMILY THINGS TO DO IN ST. JOHNS COUNTY YOUTH GROUP MEETING | 12/18/2019 - 1/15/2020 | Wed | 6:30PM | events/302988537231881/ | Covenant OPC | 1965 State Road 16 | Saint Augustine | 32084 | FL “AGENTS IN ACTION” FALL MID-WEEK CAMP | FREE | 12/18/2019 - 1/29/2020 | Wed | 6-7:30PM | 9047974416 | http://www.shoresumc. org | Shores United Methodist Church | 724 Shores Blvd | Saint Augustine | 32086 | FL VENARDOS CIRCUS | General admission is $25.00 for adults, $15.00 for youth under 12, and babies in arms (two years and younger) with a paying adult are free. | 12/18/2019 - 1/5/2020 | Wed | 7PM | (904) 209-0367 | www. | St. Augustine Amphitheatre | 1340a A1A South | Saint Augustine | 32080 | FL 26 | S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E A ROCKAPELLA HOLIDAY | $34.50-$59.50 | 12/19/19 | Thu | 8PM | (904) 209-0399 | www.pvconcerthall. com | Ponte Vedra Concert Hall | 1050 A1A North | Ponte Vedra Beach | 32082 | FL KIDS ART LAB | FREE | 12/19/19 | Thu | 3:45-5PM | 904-209-0379 | abrown@ | events/2687755231275094/?event_ time_id=2687755237941760 | The Solomon Calhoun Center(West Augustine District Park) | 1300 Duval Street | Saint Augustine | 32084 | FL ROCKAPELLA: A ROCKAPELLA HOLIDAY | Tickets are $34.50- $59.50. | 12/19/19 | Thu | 7PM | 904-209-0367 | | Ponte Vedra Concert Hall | 1050 A1A North | Ponte Vedra Beach | FL ST. AUGUSTINE CONCERT BAND HOLIDAY CONCERTS | FREE | 12/20/19 | Fri | 6PM | http://www. | Visitor Information Center | 10 W. Castillo Drive | Saint Augustine | 32084 | FL THIRD FRIDAY BOWLING | FREE | 12/20/19 | Fri | 1:30-3PM | events/2242086075803466/?event_ time_id=2242086079136799 | Anastasia Lanes | 3245 A1A S | Saint Augustine | 32080 | FL NIGHTS OF LIGHTS UNDER THE SEA | Adults $10 Child $6 2& under FREE | 12/20 - 21/2019 | Fri. Sat | 6-8PM | 904-429-9777 | St. Augustine Aquarium | 2045 State Rd 16 | Saint Augustine | 32084 | FL