provide extensive training to anyone who wishes to be a mentor . However , their preference is for young adults aged 18 or older to serve as mentors .
Local Schools
If your kids are younger than 18 and / or there ’ s no local chapter of a national mentoring organization near you , they can join a peer mentoring program at the local school . Most middle and high schools have mentoring programs that pair up kids from different grades ( typically seniors with freshmen ) during the school day or at their after-school programs . While national mentoring organizations tend to focus on developing the mentees ’ general life skills , like how to focus on the positive in their lives and make good life choices , school-based programs typically focus on enhancing their academic skills , such as how to take better notes in class , how to organize their homework and how to prepare for exams . My son ’ s middle school had such a peer mentoring program in its after-school program , while his high school matches up older and younger students once a week during the regular school day . If your kids are really strong academically , mentoring in a school-based mentoring program may be just right for them .
Private Mentoring
Finally , if your kids are very mature and independentminded , nothing should stop them from creating and offering their own private mentoring program . If you know of neighborhood kids who could benefit from having positive role models in their lives , encourage your kids to meet up with them on a regular basis to serve as their mentors .
Mentoring is not only the right thing to do if you have what it takes ; it can also help your kids in both the short and long term . Many middle and high schools have a community service component that requires them to volunteer for a certain amount of hours in order to graduate . Participating in an authorized mentoring program often satisfies that requirement ; it does at my son ’ s high school . Your kids can also use any letters of recommendation that they receive about their mentoring activities as part of their college application . Virtually all colleges and universities across the country consider giving back to the community - especially helping other kids achieve their academic potential - a worthwhile goal , and service through mentoring could be an asset during the admissions process .
Local Community Institutions
Another option is to find a mentoring program at your local community center or library that offers mentoring programs aimed at helping kids learn to read , write and do basic math . If no formal programs exist , some places let kids start their own informal programs . Our local community center has had many informal programs run by groups of local high school students over the years . So if your kids aren ’ t afraid to roll up their sleeves and create a mentoring program together with one or more of their friends , this could be a great experience for them .
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