District in 2018 - 2019 with uplifting messages as part
Flagler aims for mental health awareness
We applaud Governor and First Lady DeSantis’
of their “Kindness Campaign!” Volunteer artists were
Ginny LeJeune, Niki Normandin, Don Kight and Sara
commitment to the mental health of our children, as
well as Education Commissioner Corcoran’s stewarding
it through the process to bring it to the State Board
of Education.
Flagler Schools has already taken proactive steps to
promote mental health awareness in our schools by
placing additional mental health counselors and school
psychologists on our campuses. We have also asked
members of our community to help mentor students of
all ages. We have already begun the process of rolling
out a number of mental health programs from the
Sandy Hook Promise, to include S.O.S. Signs of Suicide
Prevention Program, which is aimed at our high school
students. Flagler Schools is also an active partner in the
Flagler Cares Program, which aims to bring better health
care, to include mental health care, to all citizens of
Flagler County.
While we await further guidance from the Florida
Department of Education as to how and when this new
mental health curriculum should be implemented on a
Elementary Yoga Class
local level, we are moving forward with the initiatives Children learn how to focus and relax through
already in place to fill a critical need for our students mindfulness, meditation, crafts, friendship, physical
and look forward to adding and expanding mental benefits from postures, and more at the Grade K-5 Yoga
health supports. Class at Peace by Pieces Wellness!
Kindness Campaign Uplifts Students
Staff members from Painting with a Twist - Palm Coast
painted bathrooms throughout the Flagler School
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