Parent Magazine Flagler October 2019 | Page 7

Children Truly are Our Future Take our survey! Flagler Palm Coast High School students in the “i3 New Flagler Schools has launched a new community survey. Tech Academy” have the unique opportunity to help In the past, surveys have targeted parents, students, design the future of Town Center. Students will work teachers and staff but never the greater Flagler County in teams with community experts to learn about Town community. Center and its Innovation District to design concepts and spaces, experience unique field trips and possibly enjoy mystery prizes as part of this educational partnership. The program challenges students to create innovative design solutions based on their own experiences, as they are ultimately the end-users of the space. At the i3 New Tech Academy, students learn to work collaboratively in a Project Based Learning approach to the curriculum that utilizes a one-to-one technology environment. A student driven culture of respect, We hope you will take the time to answer the handful of questions we have prepared. We will use this information to shape our programs and messaging to better suit our entire community. This survey is open to anyone living or working in Flagler County. We thank you for taking the time to help register your opinions. Community Survey Link: responsibility, and trust is deeply embedded in the New Tech philosophy. For more information on the i3 New Tech Academy, visit: program/i3_academy F L A G L E R parent M A G A Z I N E | 7