Parent Magazine Flagler November 2019 | Page 8

GROWING A Thankful Family I N A “ WA N T- M O R E ” WO R LD The Fine Art of Having Enough By Jan Pierce, M.Ed. O ne of my favorite childhood stories is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s account of the Christmas when Mr. Edwards braved a snowstorm to bring gifts to the family. He had sweet potatoes for Ma in one pocket and gifts for Laura and Mary in another—a tin cup for each of them, plus a penny and a peppermint stick. The girls were thrilled. Would our children be content with such simple gifts today? Not likely. It’s a challenge to raise thankful children in our consumer-driven culture, but it’s a challenge we can meet. We can train our children in the fine art of having enough. 6 | F L A G L E R parent M A G A Z I N E