researcher found that the group who kept a nightly
gratitude journal reported waking up feeling more
refreshed than usual. This group also reported feelings
of deeper connections with others in contrast to the
group that did not keep a nightly gratitude journal.
Lastly, a study conducted by a group of Chinese
researchers found that people who expressed gratitude
on a daily basis (not necessarily in a journal), reported
having better sleep and experienced fewer symptoms
of depression and anxiety that can surface as a result of
chronic stress.
Now, as a full time step-mother of a 16- year-old girl and
a nine - year-old girl, a full-time mother of a six -year-
old boy, a part-time substitute teacher and mindfulness
educator, I can tell you it’s challenging to remember to
express gratitude on a daily basis. It can be done, but
most challenging when your plate is quite full. I am
offering four suggestions below to help make this a
more successful to-do on your to- do list.
Offer expressions of gratitude in your daily
prayers or meditation practice at night or
in the morning (this is a practice I do at
night) for even the basic but vital things—the clean
air we breathe, the food on our table, the roof over
heads, healthy children, supportive family members and
friends, etc.
Keep a journal with a pen at your bedside so
that upon waking or just before bed you can
jot down at least three things to be grateful
for that day or in life.
Express daily gratitude towards yourself
by acknowledging all your hard-work and
accomplishments that day even if it is as
simple as getting out of bed. Or, if you’re a mom to a
newborn infant, getting a shower in that day!
Keep a post-it on your mirror with three or
four things in life you are grateful for so
that while you’re brushing teeth, putting on
makeup, etc. you can be reminded of these on the daily.
In summary, it can be challenging but it can be done and
the benefits one reaps from expressing gratitude daily
are wonderful. Remember, when you express gratitude
daily, you are re-wiring your brain to be healthier and
happier, as a result, you begin perceiving your world in a
much brighter way. Now that’s something to be
grateful for!
With you every step of the way.
Marc E. Dwyer, Attorney at Chiumento Dwyer Hertel Grant
& Kistemaker, P.L., specializes in Family & Marital Law, which
includes adoptions, divorce, paternity, support, child custody,
name change and modifications of support and was recently
awarded 10 Best Family Law Firms from the American Institute
of Family Law Attorneys.
Areas of practice also include Juvenile Defense, Bankruptcy
and Dependency.
Let us fight for you. CONTACT MARC TODAY AT 386-445-8900 EXT. 115
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