low-grade fever, headache, and feeling tired, which
usually resolve within one to two days.
What are the purpose, benefits, and risk for
the HPV vaccine? Why is it controversial?
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a very common virus
that is known to cause warts on the skin and genitals.
Most HPV infections will resolve on their own and not
cause any serious problems. However, there are also
high risk strains of the virus, which unfortunately can
lead to various types of cancers – of the cervix, vagina,
anus, throat, and penis. Cervical cancer is the fourth
most common cancer among women, with over 12,000
cancer cases and 4,000 deaths each year in the United
States. Virtually all cases of cervical cancer are linked
to HPV infection, which can be detected early on with
routine pap smears.
HPV virus is commonly spread through sexual contact,
frequently seen in young sexually active men and
women, even after the first time they have sex. It is
estimated that at least 80 percent of sexually active men
and women have been exposed to HPV once in
their lifetime.
What vaccines are recommended at each
stage of a child’s growth - early childhood,
upon entering school, transitioning to
middle school and entering college?
Most vaccines for children are given in infancy up to
entering school. These include Hepatitis B starting
within the first 24 hours after birth. Subsequently, at
ages two, four, and six months old, a child normally
receives the remaining doses of Hepatitis B along with
Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough), Polio,
Pneumonia vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae, and
Rotavirus (responsible for diarrhea – an oral medication).
From a year old to four years old, they will be vaccinated
against Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (chicken
pox), and Hepatitis A along with finishing up the series
of vaccines given as an infant. The next big round of
vaccines occurs when the child is around middle school
age of 11 years old when they get a booster of Tetanus,
Diptheria, and Pertusis along with the Meningitis
vaccine covering strains ACWY and their HPV (Gardasil)
Vaccine. At 16, before entering college, children are
then due for a second Meningitis vaccine covering
ACWY along with another that covers strain B (MenB).
The HPV vaccine is recommended by the Centers for
Disease Control for both males and females and is
recommended to be given starting at 11 years old. It
can be given as early as nine years and can be given
through adolescence. It is given as two or three shots,
depending on the age of the first vaccine. Since
HPV is spread through sexual contact, it is ideally
administered prior to first sexual contact.
The HPV vaccine reduces risk of serious disease or
cancer by up to 97-100 percent if given before first
sexual contact. The vaccine is safe, but there are
known side effects such as soreness and swelling at
the injection site, fever, headache, and feeling faint
after the injection. Some parents consider the HPV
vaccine controversial because it is given to prevent a
sexually transmitted disease. Because the vaccine is
typically given at 11 years old, some parents may be
uncomfortable having a discussion about sex with
their children.
Dr. Meredith
Brazell, DO
Dr. Brazell is a Pediatrician
at Flagler Health+ Primary
Care and Pediatrics at
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