Parent Magazine Flagler May 2022 | Page 23

Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood
After taking care of your family ’ s needs , working and doing household chores , moms can feel like their gas tank is running on empty , which can drain their energy and mood . Here are some quick ways to boost your mood .
< Sing along - Turn up your favorite song and sing along . Dancing and singing are sure to boost your mood .
< Laugh it off - Call a friend who always makes you laugh . If your child is doing something that is frustrating , try to laugh it off . Turn on a funny TV show or podcast . Laughter is the best medicine .
< Take a bath - A relaxing soak in the tub is always a good mood booster and can help tense muscles relax , helping you feel physically better as well .
< Take a walk - Physical exercise and a break from your house and chores is a great way to change your mood .
< Let it go - Do you have piles of dishes and laundry to do ? Is it overwhelming ? Let it go . You can ’ t leave it forever , but you can for now . Find something fun to do instead , just for the day . You might find that after a break away , you come back to it with a better attitude .
< Take a nap - There is nothing better than a nap to help you recharge your batteries . If your baby is sleeping , take the time to rest as well . If you have older kids , put in a movie and rest next to them on the couch . You will feel recharged and ready for the rest of the day .

T H E R E I S F U N F O R E V E R Y A G E A T Minnie ' s Maingate Manor

T O D I S C O V E R F O R Y O U R S E L F B O O K T O D A Y A T E V E R A F T E R . F A M I L Y
MAY 2022 | 19