Health, but it is much more. Grant monies and funds Christmas Party and during the visit from Former
from the Flagler County Education Association and Education Commissioner Pam Stewart. During the
The National Dairy Council (NDC), along with The Commissioner’s visit, the students of Fuel Up were
National Football League (NFL), have allowed us to Ambassadors for our school and served lunch to her
build our program, in conjunction with the Fuel Up and other administrators from across the county.
to Play 60 initiative. Our community business partners The ambassadors took the group on a tour of the
have been Yellowstone Landscaping, Environmental greenhouse and spoke about the aquaponics,
Land Services, Stone Plus, Flagler County Food hydroponics and the gardening processes the students
Services, and Bull Creek Fish Camp. In health class, are learning about. The future plans for the lab
the students learn life science, plant life cycles, include expanding its cooking and video capabilities,
pollinators, functions, how to cultivate and harvest as well as continually improving the greenhouse
various vegetables, and how to grow plants in soil, and garden.
hydroponically and aquaponically. In the Fuel Up
Club, they delve deeper into the process. Fuel Up also
Something for everyone
competes in The Gridiron Challenge and creates their By offering our flagship and extracurricular activities,
own cooking shows! along with our academic drive towards excellence, we
The harvest from our garden has previously been
used in our cafeteria and most recently at the
Bull Creek Fish Camp, the Chamber of Commerce
14 | F L A G L E R parent M A G A Z I N E
follow our district’s vision to “be the Nation’s premier
learning organization where ALL students graduate
as socially responsible citizens with the skills necessary