Parent Magazine Flagler January 2019 | Page 8

WE ARE RYMFIRE! Rymfire Elementary School is home to the RES Roadrunners and is a place where students are encouraged to learn, explore and develop to their fullest potential. Students embrace the expectation of being respectful, responsible, safe and engaged. FL AGSHIP Each Flagler School offers a unique Flagship Program, which allows students opportunities to discover paths that lead them from Classroom to Career success. Our mission is to teach our students the importance of a healthier lifestyle through experiences that focus on exercise and nutrition. Partnerships with The Flagler County Education Foundation, Florida Hospital Flagler, and other local businesses provide students with many opportunities to learn and grow through hands on experiences in our very own “medical lab.” ON THE MOVE! At the heart of RES there are teachers who strive to promote active lifestyles for our students. The staff sponsors programs like running club, morning mile, volleyball, basketball, yoga and much more. Florida Hospital Flagler is a tremendous supporter of our Rymfire flagship, including the support of a program called the Morning Mile. In this program, students are encouraged to run a mile before school. This program provides students with the opportunity to exercise and refocus their energy before beginning their day of learning. In the spring, RES offers an after school running club. The Running Club helps students achieve their running and fitness goals while preparing for The Rymfire 5K. DENTAL HEALTH Preventative oral health care, sponsored by the Florida Department of Health, is offered to our students. Weekly hygienists provide education and protective sealants to students at no cost. The goal of this program is to teach children how to properly clean their teeth, provide a fluoride treatment and allow the students to ask questions. This school year, more than 400 students will be seen through this program. 6 | FL AGLER parent MAGAZINE