Parent Magazine Flagler February 2022 | Página 26

a private or parochial school . A typical evaluation package measures intellectual , academic and emotional functioning , takes a history of the child and their family and includes a classroom evaluation . Often schools will also perform other specific evaluations if they are indicated , for example to see whether a child needs speech and language help , occupational therapy or assistive technology .
School evaluations can be very effective , and in some situations are all that is required to get the ball rolling . However , if you aren ’ t satisfied with the results of your school evaluation or if you want your child evaluated for something not covered by the school ’ s standard assessment , you should seek a private evaluation with a specialist .
These conferences are important , so you should spend some time preparing . Decide what information you want to share and what questions you want to ask ahead of time . Schwartz recommends talking to your child before you go to the conference , because their perspective can help frame the meeting . Ask : What do you like best about school ? What is easy for you to do ? What is hard for you to do ? Try to include your child in the conference by asking if they have any questions for the teacher .
The parent-teacher conference is primarily an opportunity to work collaboratively , to put your heads together . Does the teacher have any advice for you ? Do you have any advice for them ? If you have anything important to say , lead with that . You don ’ t want to run out of time .
Getting more help
If you think your child needs more help than they are getting , make an appointment to share your concerns with their teacher and other school personnel . Teachers can be helpful but so can counselors , school psychologists , the principal , a favorite coach — anyone who knows your child and has their best interests at heart .
If you think your child needs special services or accommodations , a professional evaluation may be in order . Local public school districts are legally required to provide a basic evaluation , even if your child is attending
Matthew Cruger , PhD , a neuropsychologist at the Child Mind Institute ’ s Learning and Development Center , advises telling the school if you plan to have an outside evaluation and certainly sharing the results with them . “ The school might not be able to do everything the specialist recommends , but they generally want to have that information ,” says Dr . Cruger . “ I think a lot of resistance from schools comes from not necessarily knowing why something has been suggested .”
Keeping everyone on the same page about a student ’ s strengths and weaknesses will make it easier to agree on how to help them . It also lays the foundation for a relationship based on mutual trust and respect .
As with any relationship , be prepared to compromise . While school districts are motivated to help kids with learning needs , they often have limited resources .
Schools will provide what they ( and the law ) consider sufficient , but not necessarily the ideal , support . This means that parents , school representatives and other specialists need to work together to come up with the best possible education plan for a child . Dr . Cruger says , “ As a psychologist I ’ m often thinking , what are the fewest intrusive interventions that could lead to maximum gain ?”
In his experience , the best plans are the ones that benefit from everyone ’ s participation — the entire education team , including the child — because when everyone is committed and working towards success , suddenly it becomes a lot more attainable .